(1). Lucky Nonphosgenation Process
(ÈÇÐÀú³Î, 1995, Oct. 2, pp 27-29.)
(2). Asahi Chemical Industry Co. Process
(S. Fukuoka, M. Chono, M. Kohno, Chemtech, 1984, 670.)
(3). American Cyanamid Co. Process
(H. Ulrich, in "Reaction Polymers," W. F. Gum, W. Riese, and H. Ulrich Ed., Hanser, Munich, 1992, p 59.)
(4). Akzo Process
(H. Ulrich, in "Reaction Polymers," W. F. Gum, W. Riese, and H. Ulrich Ed., Hanser, Munich, 1992, p 59.)